Fuli Wang

Contact information:

Cell: (218)-590-1833

Email: fuliwang at udel dot edu

Welcome to my website! My name is Fuli Wang (王馥黎 in Chinese). I am a fourth-year Ph.D. candidate at the University of Delaware in the Financial Services Analytics program. I am very fortunate to work with my advisors Prof. Gonzalo R. Arce and Prof. Wei Qian since 2020.

Before that, I received my Bachelor's degree in Finance at Dongbei University of Finance and Economics in 2018, and my Master's degree in Statistics at the University of Minnesota Duluth in 2020, where I worked with Prof. Yongcheng Qi.

My research interests mainly focus on developing graph and hypergraph-related machine learning algorithms by leveraging graph neural networks, graph signal processing, and optimization techniques. My research interest covers various domains of machine learning on graphs such as:

Here is my resume. (Update in Dec. 2023)